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If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!In a landmark case that was filed against a blogger in Great Britain, a British court ruled that there was no case for that blogger’s identity to remain anonymous. He worked a public servant on the police force, but operated [...]

Has there ever been a moment in your life when someone treated you unjustly? How about a major corporation? I’m willing to bet you have. There are times when we just get royally screwed. Intentionally or unintentionally, but it happens. (Image Source: Fail Blog)
The Story
Adam Savage (see in photo) is the Co-host of the [...]

Instead of telling people about your product and/or services, you need to SHARE your product and/or services. This concept is a new concept, it’s one of participation advertising. Youtube is losing money but companies that use it, are making money. Why? Simply because they aren’t participating with their users, they are being intrusive with their ads and not giving us choices nor options. But the companies that post videos, they get comments, they allow their (smaller) visitors to interact with their message.

About Exit9

We are an Internet Marketing Company located in the New Jersey, Philly, Manhattan area. We have people that work for us all around the USA. We specialize in SEO and PPC campaigns. We have a low entry point for new start-ups & small businesses. If you're looking to get started in PPC we can manage your account for as little as $75 month (budgets under $500 for Adwords) If you're looking for SEO we can start your campaign with a primer optimization for only $500. CALL US TODAY 727-366-6474

Refuge Design Client Website: See more details here on one of our financial services clients. Take a look at the website design we made for them.

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